Connecting you

An all-in-one app that lets you shop, make instant payments, and chat with your closed ones
An innovative and secure app that has everything you need
Instead of asking for your personal information, CU offers you with a highly secure platform that you can use without logging in with complicated passwords
Shop from your nearby vendors
Make secure instant payments
Chat or video/audio call your friends or family
The idea
CU wanted to build an integrated application that could connect customers to their nearby local shops, and also allow them to pay directly from the app without any hassle. To offer even better connectivity, they also wanted to offer chats, video as well as audio calling feature. For CU, privacy was more important than anything and that’s what they wanted us to focus on.

After understanding the requirements, we knew that we needed to incorporate security in the most innovative and seamless way possible in the CU application. That is why, our team decided that instead of asking users for their private details to sign up, we would use their photo identity as a way of logging in. We also made sure that the payments were completely secure and the customer chats were encrypted.

The Result
The end result was an exceptionally seamless and secure application that allowed users to quickly connect with their nearby stores, whether they had a local presence or not, and make real-time payments through CU Pay, which is a UPI based payment app with no transaction charges. The CU chats feature also has end to end encryption to offer their users complete security.


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